Pricing Structures
Pricing Structures for Industry Qualifications and Business Training
Industry Qualification
Industry Qualifications and Workshops
OfQual Regulated L1 to L3
The range of Industry qualifications and workshops on offer is wide and varied.
All of the qualifications are OfQual Regulated and awarded through First Aid Awards or Qualsafe Awarding Organisations.
Non-accredited workshops are based upon current industry standards set by the HSE, CIEH, Sector Skills Councils etc.
Pricing is based upon the level required, the duration of the course and the specific format required by you as the customer.
Some qualification courses have a minimum age requirement for attendance and workplace employment (details on request).
A minimum number caveat applies to Industry Qualification courses delivered at your own venue (details on request).
The total cost comprises:
Certification fee (per person)
Training material (per person)
Attendance fee (per cohort of up to 6, then per person thereafter)
An example indication for a 1-day EFAW qualification course would be a TOTAL COST of around £77.00 per person (No VAT), delivered at your own premises. Group discounts on Certification and Attendance fees are applicable to all of our courses. Details on request.
Prices for current courses are shown here.
Business Training
ILM Qualifications
QCF Level 2 to Level 5
ILM Qualification pricing is based upon the level required, the duration of the course and the specific format required by you as the customer.
The total cost comprises:
ILM Registration fee (per person)
Centre IQA Fee (per person)
Training material (per person)
Delivery fee (per cohort)
Business Training Workshops
Based upon ILM business modules, these non-accredited workshops are specifically designed for your own business needs and context, without the formality of written assessment or examinations.
Pricing is based upon, the duration of the course and the specific format required by you as the customer.
The total cost comprises:
Training material (per person)
Delivery fee (per cohort)
Attendance certification is available if required.